My 17 month old daughter currently doesn’t like wearing clothes.
My 3.5 year old son gets incredibly tired after nursery and, when he’s incredibly tired, he’s incredibly cranky.
So the day before they were due to take to the catwalk as part of Lincoln Fashion Week, when it had taken me more than an hour to dress my daughter that morning, I was beginning to question my decision to sign them up as models.

Photo: Lincoln Fashion Week
But, as I kept telling myself, you have to give your children the chance to surprise you – and that’s exactly what they did.
Not only were they very well behaved, they absolutely loved it!
Strutting their stuff down the catwalk in the Waterside Shopping Centre, they were wearing some adorable clothes from Boots Mini Club range and enjoyed posing in them at the end of the runway.
Their first outfit was holiday clothes and, whilst in my relief of it going so much better than I predicted I would have been happy to stop there, I was glad there was more to come for them as as soon as Luke left the catwalk he said “again, again”!
This is when we had a slight wobble. When, mid change into the sleepwear outfits, Willow decided she wanted to try Luke’s socks on, he wasn’t as keen on the idea. (Socks are quite a political area in our house at the moment). Thanks to some quick distraction work on the part of Grandmum and one of the organisers, and Willow deciding her own socks might be preferable after all, the mini meltdown was quelled and we made it back out on to the stage.
The final outfit was occasion wear and even included a hat for Luke which he was very pleased about. We haven’t often had the opportunities for dressing up so it definitely pleased this mummy to see her little ones looking so smart and gorgeous, even if only for a few minutes.
Now I’m definitely looking forward to #LincolnFashionWeek 2017!
Are your children interested in fashion? Then they might be interested in this Printables post: Print is the New Black for Fashion Focused Youngsters.
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