A mischievous young mermaid’s escapades, interspersed with rousing song and dance routines, await those who dive deep into the ocean depths of Lincoln’s Clasketgate theatre this Easter holiday.

The minis were guests of the New Theatre Royal for Monday’s matinee performance of The Adventures of the Little Mermaid, a prequel to the well-known maritime tale, and after a slightly stressful journey to the theatre which continued with a lot of faff over who was going to sit in which seat, it was lovely to be able to sit back and be transported to a fantastical world of life under the sea for an afternoon of pure family entertainment.

Georgia Hayes-Cowley’s portrayal of the disobedient adolescent mermaid who dreams of life beyond the shoreline will surely steal the hearts of any young audience member who inversely dreams of the siren life and a tail full of shimmering scales of their own and singer Amelia Lily provides a star turn as the Sea Witch, her commanding stage presence matching her impressive vocal talent.

As the authoritarian Sea King contrasts to the evil exuberance of the Sea Witch, the laid-back seaweed munching turtle Tanner provides the foil to the melodramatic crab Sebbie.  The streetwise-squawking of Sally the Seagull was also a favourite of the audience but who got the biggest cheer during the curtain call?  Pumpkin the dog as Stella the Starfish of course!  (Click here to find out more about her work raising awareness for disabled animals).

The eye-catching revolving set and colourful costumes, the inevitable sea of crustacean, water-based and aquatic animal puns, the energetic ensemble and the underlying message that these ocean creatures don’t want your litter in their homes will captivate any mini theatre goer this Easter.

The Adventures of the Little Mermaid runs at the New Theatre Royal in Lincoln until Sunday, April 14th (2024).  Call the box office on  01522 519999 or click here to book online.


Willow sneaked back stage after the show to interview Amelia Lily and Georgia Hayes-Cowley – watch the video on The Mini Malpi’s YouTube channel to find out what their favourite parts of the show are:  Willow interviews Amelia Lily & Georgia Hayes-Cowley