What parent isn’t always looking to expand their children’s horizons? To realise there’s a whole world of wonder and opportunity beyond their own city walls? But we don’t even need to walk to our town’s boundary to realise the scale of what there is out there to discover, we just need to look up.
Those of us brought up with the idea of “space: the final frontier” probably don’t need much prompting to imagine the wondrous possibilities of exploration beyond Earth but, as private companies join national space agencies in a burgeoning new space race, it is quite possible that it is our children who will actually take those second steps and galactic leaps into the universe.
One organisation determined to further ignite that excitement is The Average Scientist, “a specialist science outreach organisation with a focused mission – to democratise science, ensuring accessibility to all, irrespective of age or proficiency level.” For this literature graduate their recognition “that you need not possess a PhD to revel in the wonders of the scientific world” is as much appreciated as their belief in putting the A back into STEM – “We champion the integration of artistic elements into science, embodying the philosophy of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), transcending the conventional boundaries of STEM.”
In that endeavour, its latest theatrical presentation – Wonders of Our Universe – encapsulates that ethos and promises a “wonderful show of inspiring family entertainment for all ages with a stunning soundtrack”.
Presented by astrophysicist Ian Hall FRAS, audiences members are invited to “Immerse yourself in an evening of exploration, each second meticulously crafted to produce a visually stunning and emotionally charged journey through the cosmos, delivered in a distinctive storytelling style, allowing imaginations to roam free and inspiring minds, both young and old alike.
“Stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, the search for life beyond Earth… we’ll explore them all, as well as taking a poignant look at ‘The Power of Smallness’ and something truly profound and inspirational for our younger audience members, ‘Destiny’.”
Are you raising mini astronauts? Perhaps a visit to the theatre this spring will give them all the rocket fuel they need to make the stars their destiny.
Lincolnshire tour dates for the performance recommended for age 8+ include:
Boston Blackfriars Theatre, March 29th and 30th, 2024
Terry O’Toole Theatre, North Hykeham, May 12th, 2024
Embassy Theatre, Skegness, June 6th, 2024
And for the full list of performances around the country visit https://theaveragescientist.co.uk/wonders-of-our-universe-2024/
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