I’m going to say it. After all of last year’s #30DaysWild and the beginning of this one spent moaning about the rain… oh, my isn’t it too hot!
Turns out whatever my mixed nationality background, I’m very British when it comes to the weather.
Today was the first time I’ve taken part in Photo an Hour, posting on Twitter (#photoanhour) each hour to document our day.
Our day was originally planned to be very full of arranged activities, perfect for jumping in on the hashtag party for the first time I thought, and it at least started out that way as we made it to ballet class first thing in the morning.

10am – finished ballet class – #photoanhour
We then headed to another inside activity, this time popping into Lincoln Inspired at The Collection in Lincoln. At the Magical World of Fingley crafting table, Luke was helped to make a monster and Willow an owl before she had the opportunity to meet pixie Astori and Dodl the bear. And mummy learnt about the Fingley’s themed restaurant in Barton that’s definitely gone on our “to visit” list.

11am – Willow meets Astoria and Dodl from @FingleyWorld at today’s @LincolnInspired in @collectionusher #photoanhour
Refreshments were had:

Noon – it was yummy (too hungry to take the photo at the start) #photoanhour @collectionusher
And then we finally headed outside to enjoy the weather and continue with the Lincoln Knights trail, ticking off another four on the list.

1pm – more #LincolnKnights spotting #photoanhour
It was after this and the following walk back to the car park that the heat started to take its toll. Several Malpi members were in need of a nap (although only three were able to take the opportunity) and, instead of heading to one of the Jo Cox Great Get Togethers and a school fair, we simply crash landed at Grandmum’s.

2pm – storytime – #photoanhour
Story time with an Old MacDonald’s Farm finger puppet book provided a short cool down five minutes but as soon as the mini ones were refuelled:

3pm – summery refreshments – #photoanhour
they certainly weren’t going to be satisfied with sitting down for the rest of the day so, whilst mummy continued to feed an understandably extra thirsty Faith, daddy got dragged outside again, this time for a water pistol fight:

4pm – in the great battle of grandmum’s back garden, water pistols were the weapon of choice, Daddy @redimpjim may have lost. #photoanhour
Grandmum’s back garden, including the former pond, also provided an excellent environment for hide and seek.

5pm – hide and seek – #photoanhour
As well as pretty purple/pink flowers:
Whilst the front garden was reserved for daddy to chase little monsters:

6pm – chasing monsters – #photoanhour @redimpjim
And then, when finally exhausted again, it was time to get back into the car.

7pm – home time – #photoanhour
The day may not have gone quite to plan but we were still able to enjoy a wild time without melting temperatures prompting too many mini meltdowns.
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