Lovely day out, even if a week too soon…

Lovely day out, even if a week too soon…

There are many ways I display the effects of sleep deprivation but today’s symptom du jour was turning up for an event a week early. Between scheduling tweets for various works and doing a bit of late Facebook surfing last night, I came across an advert for a...

Ear today, gone tomorrow…

Who’d like to see what an ear grommet looks like? This one came out of my son’s right ear today (don’t worry I cleaned it first): Grommets are a treatment for glue ear which he was tested for due to his speech delay. His last ear appointment at the...
Planning ahead for #30DaysWild

Planning ahead for #30DaysWild

Yesterday I signed up to the 30 Days Wild challenge. Organised by The Wildlife Trusts, the charity is challenging people to do something wild every day during the month of June. Today I’m thinking I might have been a bit too enthusiastic. The photo I’m...

Sun shines on country show

Now we’re nearing the end of May show season is well and truly underway and, if you live in such an agricultural county as Lincolnshire, it’s pretty hard to miss all the different events that are staged in celebration of the countryside. In April we...
Today we saw inside the car

Today we saw inside the car

Every situation is a learning opportunity isn’t it? That’s what I tried to tell myself when, after I great deal of faff and effort, we finally had everyone in the car ready to go to swimming classes when it turned out the car itself wasn’t ready to...
Model behaviour

Model behaviour

My 17 month old daughter currently doesn’t like wearing clothes. My 3.5 year old son gets incredibly tired after nursery and, when he’s incredibly tired, he’s incredibly cranky. So the day before they were due to take to the catwalk as part of...