What do you buy a six year old for Christmas when she’s already not lacking in toys but also has a birthday just a couple of weeks beforehand to cater for too?
It’s fair to say that mini number two quite likes December with all its unwrapping possibilities and, with no parties allowed in this year of pandemic restrictions, presents are likely to take even more of a centre stage in her world.
Whilst she may be happy with one of everything from the toy catalogue, mummy and daddy’s bank balance, storage capacity and need to be slightly more intentional than that means we’re open to recommendations from fellow parents.
Nomadi Daddy’s Stephen suggests an “Electronic playdough science kit and Bath bomb making kit” which both sound like a fun way of turning STEM activities into STEAM fun (putting the arts back into science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
Louise from Thimble and Twig makes lots of interesting suggestions on her blogs Unique Present Ideas for 6-8 year olds and Unique Ideas for Christmas Presents for Children aged 7-10, particularly highlighting that the “walkie talkies and the easy speak microphone were winners with ours and the stop motion animation set was also a good present”.
“My daughter absolutely loves arts and crafts so a box filled with all sorts of different craft bits always goes down a treat!” says Lylia Rose’s Victoria. “I’ll fill a gift box with different coloured papers and sparkly cards, coloured lollipop sticks, wooden beads, stickers, washi tape, coloured strings and glues, etc. Perfect for any six year old who loves to get creative.”
Annette, who writes at 3 Little Buttons, is also getting crafty with her daughter. “My daughter loves these construction sets from Foame. They come in sets to build specific things, such as sea creatures and robots, but also larger sets for free play. They are fab for little fingers as the pieces are soft and also double up as water play toys.” Find out more about the kits on her blog Construction play with Foame.
Amanda, who writes at Mummy 2 Twindividuals, knows a thing or two about what six year old girls like having two of them herself: “My six year old daughters love play dough, Playmobil, Lego, secret diaries and Polly Pocket” she says.
Joanna has reviewed the Cool Maker Go Glam Nail Studio by Spinmaster for her sister’s blog Mummy and Moose and gives it high praise – “There’s not many toys out there that are worth the price tag but this one is”.
“The new Lego Dots sets went down a treat with my friend’s little one,” says Chantele from Two Hearts One Roof. “The jewellery holder and photo frame set are really cool and fun to add to their bedroom decor afterwards.”
“My daughter is six and we have LOVED the Yoto Player,” says Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine. “It’s a clock, nightlight, radio and audio player in one and we use it every day” and you can read exactly how much they like it on her blog at Yoto Player review.
What would you recommend as a gift for a six year old? Let us know in the comments below…
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